Saturday, March 31, 2012

A change of shift

Yesterday was our first day back after the turnaround. It started with our usual 'toolbox talk' where we discuss job hazards and work plans for the day. However yesterday they came in and showed us some nice 'Thyssen Krupp' (the primary contractor we subcontract under) golf jackets and asked each of us for our size. Something was feeling a little fishy!

So no one was surprised when they made a little announcement a few minutes later about a pretty major change. They have decided that instead of the 14/7 shift that we have been running on we will now be running on a 24/7! It was a bit of a shock to say the least!

The implications of this change are varied. Obviously with the job board at the union hall full and the hall itself empty there will be a lot of people who won't come back after the turn. Not me though. I am an apprentice and as such am indentured to my current employer. I would stay anyway. We will be earning a lot more money which we need and I will be stock piling the hours which I need to get into the course at NAIT this fall which will raise me from a first year apprentice to a second year apprentice. It will also raise my pay level a lot.

At the moment I am paid $20/hr which is 1/2 the journeyman rate of $40/hr and change. As we are raised in 10% increments that means each step is worth just over $4/hr. So at the end of this month when I am done 3 months my rate goes up from $20/hr to $24/hr which is first year apprentice rate. Once I have the hours (1500) in a d take the 8 week course I will be a second year apprentice and will be at $28/hr and change. So this is my goal and the current arrangement will help me reach it sooner.

Apart from that I will miss my family. I will not be there to transplant my seedlings into 4" pots. I will get home the day of my Dad's birthday instead of before it where I can get home something. I will have to be sure to get my laundry done each week. Etc. But all is good and I am happy. :)

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